1. Open your Browser and type in: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gappssync then click Download G Suite Sync.
2. Click on the downloaded .exe file.
3. Click Run.
4. Click Yes.
5. After the installation type in your Email address, check Remember me and click Continue.
6. Type in or choose your email address from Google and click NEXT.
7. Type in your password and click NEXT.
9. Click ALLOW to grant access to the program(G Suite Sync) to your Google Account.
10. Click Create profile to create a new profile in Outlook.
11. Click Start Microsoft Outlook.
12. Now everytime you open Microsoft Outlook, Google Suite Sync will start to sync your data(Emails, Calendar and Contacts) from Google to Outlook.
13. Right-Click on the G Suite Sync Symbol in the task-bar and click Set mailbox size limit.
14. Check Unlimited and click OK. Otherwise at some point Outlook will stop to sync.